

Your computer is the center of your digital life. Your TV is the center of your entertainment life. But what if you want to watch movies, TV shows, movie trailers, podcasts, and photos from your computer on your TV? At $299, Apple TV brings iTunes to the big screen.
The revolution will be televised.
Say you’ve just downloaded Cars from iTunes. Instead of huddling around your computer to watch, you pop some popcorn while your computer wirelessly syncs your new flick to Apple TV. Then you pull up a seat, put up your feet, and pick up the included Apple Remote to play your movie on TV. Give yourself a hand: You've just changed the way you watch digital media.

iTunes to Apple TV, wire free.
Apple TV connects to your TV via an HDMI port or component video and audio ports. Its built-in, superfast 802.11 wireless capability syncs your iTunes library from any Mac or PC in the house. Best of all, what's on Apple TV stays in sync: Anytime you change your library in iTunes, it changes on Apple TV — wirelessly, automatically.
What’s on TV? Whatever you want.
Apple TV puts your iTunes library — movies, TV shows, music, and podcasts — plus movie trailers from Apple.com on your TV. And your digital photos from iPhoto on a Mac or Adobe Photoshop Elements or Adobe Album on a Windows PC appear in high definition, so you can put on a stunning big-screen slideshow.



The next generation of the PlayStation is known as PlayStation 3, or PS3, and has been launched in November 2006 for North America and Japan, and will be launched on the 23rd March 2007 in Europe. Sony has stated the PS3 will also be backward compatible with all games that were originally made for PlayStation 1 as well as the PlayStation 2. (First-party) PS3 games will not be region-locked, but PlayStation 1 and 2 games will still only play on a PS3 console from the same territory.
The PlayStation Portable (officially PSP) is a handheld game console first released in late 2004. Despite the name, it is not compatible with PlayStation games; it only runs games developed specifically for the PSP on the UMD format. However, at the PlayStation Briefing conference on March 15, 2006 in Japan, Sony revealed plans for PlayStation 1 games to be downloaded and playable on the PSP through emulation. Sony hopes to release nearly all PlayStation 1 games on a gradual basis. [5]. However, as of late December 2006, a custom firmware release allows users to play PS1 image files coverted into the PSP's EBOOT format.
The success of the PlayStation is widely thought to have had some influence on the demise of the cartridge-based home console. While not the first system to utilize an optical disc format, it was the first success story, and ended up going head-to-head with the last major home console to rely on proprietary cartridges - the Nintendo 64. Nintendo was very public about its skepticism toward using CDs and DVDs to store games, citing longer load times and durability issues. It was widely speculated that the company was even more concerned with piracy, given its substantial reliance on licensing and exclusive titles for its revenue. The success of Sony's PlayStation introduced high-quality sound and longer playing times as top priorities for modern gamers, leaving little choice for competitors but to follow suit.



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Компакт-диск с ПО Sonic Stage 4.0
В своей линейке портативного аудио Sony традиционно уделяет внимание спортивной теме, выпускает модели, ориентированные на использование во время занятий спортом или в процессе активного отдыха. В очередной «волне» моделей, недавно накатившейся на рынок, компания также не оставила этот сегмент без внимания, представив модель S200 Series. Правда, ее вполне разумно не стали выделять броской цветовой гаммой или прорезиненным корпусом, благо плеер у большинства пользователей один, а заниматься спортом постоянно невозможно. Таким образом, внешний вид плеера должен более-менее соответствовать различным ситуациям, а не только одной, на это, видимо, и ориентировались при разработке.
В результате получился весьма любопытный форм-фактор, перекликающийся с давними моделями Music Clip и их преемниками: вытянутый по вертикали корпус, узкий дисплей, крепление на руку. Престиж и «серьезность» модели подчеркиваются металлическими элементами в корпусе, параллели с S700 series даже не надо проводить, они очевидны. То же самое касается цветового решения, в плеере применяется беспроигрышное сочетание серебристого и черного цветов, он выглядит строго и стильно, как и должен выглядеть аппарат, ориентированный в основном на взрослую аудиторию, давних поклонников марки.



CTIA 2007 -- The Sony Ericsson W580i is the latest Walkman music phone for the North American market. With yet another music announcement, CTIA's first day has a very familiar feel. The W580i builds on the Walkman platform which has so far been the most successful line of music handsets. Features of the W580i include: Quad-band GSM plus EDGe Walkman 2.0 music player (MP3/AAC/AAC+/e-AAC+/WMA) 512MB Memory Stick Micro in box 2 megapixel camera Stereo Bluetooth Just 14mm thick Full HTML Browser with RSS The Sony Ericsson W580i will ship in two color combinations, white (shown right) and grey (shown below)। It will begin shipping in Q3। Carrier partners have not been announced, but AT&T or T-Mobile would be likely candidates.